My mom drove up on Friday and brought a recently stained antique cedar chest. We've placed it at the end of our bed and it's so beautiful. It was my great grandmother's chest and is in fabulous condition. It used to be in my closet when I was younger--I would sit on it and considered it my "reading and writing nook." I could not believe this was the same chest! I looked at mom and said, "No, that one was much bigger!" And she kindly reminded me that no, I was just much smaller.
She also brought up old yearbooks, scrapbooks, pictures and.... the 37-day-trip-from-hell JOURNAL! I was able to read a few days and had some good laughs. I'm thinking about posting an entry or two for all of you to enjoy. It was definitely written by a typical 14-year-old girl with a lot on her mind.
Mom stayed the night and left early Saturday morning. I took Thumbs to the vet and it was not a good time for either of us. We had an appointment but ended up waiting in the "lobby" for 45 minutes. It must have been "Bring your big dog to the vet" day because there were massive dogs all around us and poor Thumbs spent the entire time hissing, growling (yes, apparently cats can do this), and shuddering. I was wearing a zip-up hoodie and she eventually stuck her entire little head in my jacket so she couldn't see anything. They called us back and we sat ANOTHER 30 minutes in the waiting room. Anywho, they finally came in, gave her the three shots required to board a cat (for when we go to Chicago over Thanksgiving) and I was able to take her home. She's getting better but the past two days she's barely eaten anything and gets a look of panic everytime I pick her up. Of course I'm reminded about THIS, so I am eyeballing her food consumption constantly. We made the decision yesterday that we are NOT going to board her. If two hours did this to her, imagine eight days! We think we have someone to come over and feed her a few times but if they can't we might be coming after YOU. Consider yourself warned. :)
Saturday night we helped host a wedding shower for Kait and Steve at Emily and Ryan's house. It was 1/4 shower, 3/4 OSU game (I wore boots with my dress). :) We had a great time and met a lot of fun people. I have never experienced a football game with such die-hard fans. Every time something good happened, it was high-fiving all over the place. I couldn't stop laughing!

Sunday we attended another wedding shower, this time for Carly and Zach (small group couple). They are getting married in less than three weeks!! Everyone was asked to bring something to eat so there was quite the assortment of food. A fun time indeed.
Michael has close this week so it'll be a few late nights for him. I plan on spending two full evenings cleaning the house (you know you're jealous). His parents are visiting this weekend and then we leave bright and early Sunday morning for Eureka Springs for several days!!! Gloooorious!
I took this picture of our tree today. Last year I was literally down on my knees praying that some of the trees would look like this on our wedding day. Apparently God had heard me claim green was my favorite color far too many times, as our reception view was very, VERY green. But lo and behold, we will celebrate our first anniversary with some beautiful foliage. I also wanted to point out our festive (and single) fall decoration--the three pumpkins. As you probably guessed, the two little ones represent Michael and I and the ginormous one is for good ol' Thumbs. Hehe. :)

I would GLADLY "babysit" your little (big) girl for you were we in the area, my friend. I hate thinking of Thumbs wasting away in a kennel. The one and only time we boarded The Thuse, she lost 1.5lbs! That's TOO MUCH for an 8lb cat. :(
Now that I think about it, boarding Thumbs might actually add years to her life. Obesity kills, you know. :)
Have I mentioned how much I love the new bangs? I do.
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