As luck would have it, Michael's birthday is right in the middle of close at work. He went in a tad early this morning and I will not see him until late tonight. What a ridiculous birthday! We figured this out last week so we celebrated his birthday on Thursday evening. I told him I would happily take him to any restaurant he wanted and I would foot the bill (oh how I LOVE being married). After some consideration, he decided on hot wings. I was staring at his mouth, willing the words, "Polo Grill" or "Melting Pot" to tumble out, but no, he wanted hot wings. If it weren't his birthday, I would have stamped my foot like a child. Instead I put on the brightest smile I could muster and said, "What a great idea! Sounds delicious!" So after opening his presents, we went to "Wings to Go" and did exactly that... Ate some hot wings, chugged some brewskies, and enjoyed each other's (and ESPN's) company.
A birthday isn't fun without some slightly embarrassing/mostly adorable nostalgic memories, right? I thought so too!
I love you, Michael! Can't wait to celebrate 50 more September 15's with you!

If this isn't the best impression of "Blue Steel," I don't know what is...

Oh man...Blue Steel had me laughing out loud!!! The hat really seals the deal. Happy belated, Michael!
Hi Merdy,
I am sooo saddd... I can no longer read your blog at the office. Your beautiful new background is blocked at work but not at home. Therefore your white text is on a white background and is virtually invisible. I will move your mom away from the computer at home so I can continue to enjoy each entry. Love, DAD :(... tears...
Hey Dad, try highlighting the text with the cursor. You still won't be able to see the background, but the text should show up.
Happy b-day Michael!
1) How cute are those cupcakes
2) I remember the Blue Steel pic from your wedding slides and I still freakin love it
3) 50 more September 15th's? Woo-hoo Merd is gonna be one single frisky lady at 77!
4) I heart your fam. Justin posting how your dad can unblock your blog...ah some things never change
OMG Mike you look exactly the SAME in that cupcake picture.. too funny haha.
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