Last year, two church familes made sizeable donations so we could purchase carillon bells (32) for the tower. I immediately pictured Michael and I walking out of the church after our wedding to the glorious peal of bells. The arrival, however, was delayed and I was then concerned we would walk out to a large crane perched in front of the church. Neither happened.
The bells were a fun addition. For about 3 weeks. They play every hour, half hour, and quarter hour, but the WORST is at lunch (right now). They play for a solid 20 minutes. My office is right next to the bells and the window is paper thin so they are uber loud.
Please don't hate me when I say I have (more than once) cursed these bells to the high heavens. The entire 4th of July week our music minister switched things up by adding patriotic songs. Fortunately for the staff, they don't carry guns at the church. First time in my life I was all for war and not afraid to show it.
I had a meeting last night at 5:30 (I usually leave at 4:30). I decided I would get some extra work done and was busy at my desk. As the clock struck 5 the bells did their normal ditty... and then kept on going. AGAIN. Guess he'd set them for the after-work crowd to enjoy on their drive home. My hands started shaking, my eyes narrowed, and I. Was. Angry. Couldn't do it folks, couldn't do it. I grabbed my purse and hit the road. I didn't know where I was driving to, I just had to drive and get away from the terror of the bells. Gives new definition to the phrase, "hells bells."
Fortunately for me, my angry driving arms led me right to the Taco Bell drive-through. It was fabulous, and the one and only "bell" I shall cherish forever.

Hahahaha! I never knew you had such a feisty side, Mere! Those bells must really be taking their toll on you. (Get it...toll. Ah, finally someone who appreciates my bad wordplay humor.)
Try living on a college campus that has a bell tower! A lot of the time I enjoy them...I always know what time it is even though I never wear a watch...but when they play the Alma Mater at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday mornings I am not joining in the "God Bless OBU!" But a week from now, I will probably miss them!
Hey thanks for the comment! Finding a bathing suit was a chore to say the least...maternity bathing suits are NOT flattering! Sorry about your bell fiasco...i didn't know such things could evoke such emotion :)
LOL!!!! LOVE IT! You are my hero.
Well, I'm telling on you to Ron. LOL! The bells were not my idea, but then nobody consulted me.
Oh Meredith this is why I love you. Only you would put a giant red slash through a picture of bells. But I agree. An apartment I lived in a few years ago was right next to a church and I did not enjoy those bells either!
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