Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Heart Numbers

I was thinking about this post and realized all of my news is quantitative, so I decided it might be fun to list the amount and then explain what each value represented.

26: Age my life-long friend Julie Bulie Edwards turns today. On our 10th birthdays we got our ears pierced. On our 16th birthdays we drove each other around the Fort. (Do you remember "Discover Fort Smith" day?) I wish I could be in Boston to celebrate with you, hope it is faaaantastic!

5: Meetings I have today. 5!!! Aren't there laws against this? I have 4 back-to-back that begin at 8:30a and will last until 1p. After a 2 hour break I have my last meeting at 3p. Good. Lord. (Which just so happens to be the subject we will be discussing at each of the aforementioned meetings.)

101: Days until my baby niece or nephew should be born. (See also: Number of dalmations in old Disney movie.) I am SO excited to be an aunt. I visit baby stores weekly to look at the adorable clothes and wish each would be more creative with their unisex apparel. Most of it looks too dude-like for a girl but waaay too feminine for a boy. I finally found a fantastic item that I'm going to purchase. As soon as Justin and Michelle receive it I will post it on here because I find it HI-larious.

0: Days left with my work buddy Heather. Today is her final day and then she becomes a stay-at-home-mom with 2 of the cutest kiddos I know. I know she is excited but I am going to really miss our daily chats. Michael, if you are reading this, I would also like to become a stay-at-home-mom. Minus the kids part. How do you feel about that?

29: Kids I took care of last night at a youth event. There were 2 of us in charge and I was absolutely exhausted by the time I left (and eaten alive by bugs). Michael has had to stay late at work the past few nights so he was not able to be there. He is a quiet leader but one the kids listen to and one I depend on when I'm at my wits end. I kept looking for him so I could share my "Oh my gosh get me out of here" look and was quite sad that he was not there to comfort me.

12: Names I have come up with for our future dog. Over the past few weeks, I have been doing massive amounts of research for the next member of our family. He/she has to be able to get along with fat cats, kids, be friendly, smart, and able to clean the house and wash the cars. I was able to find one that does it all. :) Anywho, I could come up with dozens of boy names but we think we want a girl and those names are much harder. I thought I had it the other night and excitedly shared it with Michael...

Me: Michael! I thought of the perfect name! I was trying to think of things we have in common that we love... like Ansel (Ansel Adams), Shel (Shel Silverstein), Maui, etc. And I got it! Kimo!
Michael: You aren't serious.
Meredith: I AM! We loved that restaurant on our honeymoon! And what a cute name! Kimo!
Michael: No one else will think of it that way. Come on, think about it for a second...

So I started thinking of all the dirty words that sound like Kimo (couldn't think of any). And then it hit me. Oh. CHEMO. I immediately imagined our dog running around the neighborhood and me screaming at the top of my lungs, "Chemo!! Chemo! Here girl!" Sounds like a sick joke. So... the name Kimo/Chemo is definitely out.

0: Fences we have in our backyard. Could be awhile before we get our glorious dog.

And finally..

8 to 3: The final dork vote. I am the biggest dork there ever was. However, I want to know which one of you switched your vote. As of yesterday it was 5 to 4. For the 8 of you that voted for me, I give you my sincere thanks as well as a big punch in the gut.


Susie said...

Not only did I NOT switch, I even thought of voting for Michael again!! He is definitely a closet dork! :-)
Love - Mom

Anonymous said...

...Ansel! He's so hot right now!

Julie Caroline said...

Awww look at you thinking about me on my bday :) I'm a little behind on my blog reading!


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