Wednesday, September 12, 2012

31 Weeks

Let's get this out of the way...

Hi, my name is Meredith Haynes, and I have gestational diabetes.

(Hi, Meredith.)

When I went to my 30-week appointment last Wednesday they shared the above news and told me I needed to meet with a dietitian.  At the same appointment I found out I hadn't gained any weight in two weeks (not terrible, but not what I wanted/expected to hear), Sloane had flipped and was head up (again), and due to my braxton hicks contractions they ran a Fetal Fibronectin test that would predict if I'd go into preterm labor in the next two weeks.  Unfortunately, I wouldn't get the results for two days.  I left feeling defeated.  I've been so lucky with all appointments thus far and just wasn't expecting an onslaught of possibly bad news. They checked my cervix (sorry--I went there) and everything looked great but I was still anxious to get the results.

Moving forward to Friday. I met with the dietitian and she gave me a new meal plan (in short: lay off the carbs) and taught me how to use the glucose tester thingy, which means I prick my finger four times a day to check my levels.  I also heard back from the nurse who told me the preterm labor test was negative, meaning there's a 98% chance I will NOT go into labor in the next two weeks (hooray)! 

The gestational diabetes thing has been frustrating for me because all of my numbers have been very low, which is good.  I have followed the diet pretty well but cheat at least once a day and even then the numbers are still low.  Because of this I've decided the glucose drink is a huge pile of crap and I am jealous I'm not eating donuts and sugar out the wazoo like all women in their third trimester should be doing.  :) In all seriousness, I am grateful my case has been so easy to manage and I know eating healthy foods can only benefit the kids. At the same time, if you are within 15 feet of me and carrying a cupcake be prepared to be mauled.

I had my 31-week appointment yesterday and it was wonderful.  I showed my doctor my glucose numbers and she told me I could drop one of the finger pricks (I can drop another one next week if numbers continue to look good).  The sonogram showed that Sloane is now head down (again) and we got some great profile shots of both kids.  They each scored a perfect on the biophysical profile, my cervix (sheesh, went there AGAIN) looks great, low blood pressure, no swelling, no mention of bed rest and I gained a pound.  It was such a relief to hear so much good news after last week!  And to top it all off, I received my first (ever) jury summons and my doctor wrote a note to get me out of it.  I will be 36 weeks on the day I'm required to show up--can you imagine?  Worst juror ever!

We will hit our first mini-goal next week! We'll definitely be celebrating though we're obviously hoping they stay put a little longer. :)

I've reached the point where I seriously don't know how it's possible for me to get any bigger but I know it's going to happen and that's a bit terrifying. I discovered Michael's boxer shorts this week and proclaim, "Where have you been all my life?!" to these glorious underpants at least twice a day. Add a large TU soccer shirt to the mix and this lady is looking HOT.

31 weeks, 2 days - 6.5 weeks to go!
(ps. I'm a brunette now.)


Leslie said...

You look fab as always. My condolences on the carbs...ouch.

Rachel DeCarolis said...

You look amazing! Glad to hear things are going well.

Aubrey said...

Bless your diabetic heart! The finger prick thingy makes me squeamish, but the cervix details do not. (One of the many bizarre side effects of having been pregnant.)

You look gorgeous as a brunette! Love the belly. Your body is amazing. You are growing two humans. Mind-blowing stuff there, my friend.

Kaitlin said...

Love your hair!! And, you still look amazing my friend. Glad to hear the most recent appointment went so well!

Jenni (Mac) D said...

You look great!! I'm glad you get to prick your finger less, but isn't it fascinating to see what your blood sugar does after different types of meals? No? I'm just a nerd? Ok, I can handle that. I am so excited for you and Michael and the babies...and I love that we can share this whole "count down" thing!!

Laura said...

Boo to the GD business! I'm sure it can't be easy to stay away from the good stuff! But so glad to hear everything is otherwise looking so positive! Isn't is amazing that the babies can still flip around? Seems like space would be pretty cramped in there! You look great, and I love your hair!

Ashley said...

Still looking beautiful as ever! I love the dark hair, too! Sorry about the GD, but that's great that it sounds pretty easy to manage, and that you're able to cheat :) I totally would too. So glad you had a better dr appointment this week!!

Lindsey said...

You look fantastic!! A little confession...I've declined the GTT with both pregnancies. I know it's another weirdo thing I do and some may think I'm stupid crazy. But I'm supposed to eat a low carb high protein diet throughout my pregnancy anyway (mainly to prevent preeclampsia which I am at risk for) and for the most part I think those stupid tests are mostly inaccurate anyway. Here, let's see what happens to your blood sugar when I give you a crazy dose of sugar. So, I choose to do random glucose testing while I get my blood work done and if I start gaining insane amounts of weight or start measuring really large I'm happy to take home a glucometer first and then if need be I will do the GTT. I'm high maintenance;)

Melissa said...

oh i love the hair!!! so pretty! and don't worry about not gaining's pretty normal to stall at the ned. some people even lose a little in the last few weeks. i think cause it's just hard to do ANYTHING at that stage. ha. and i can't imagine with 2 babies in there! can't believe 6.5 more weeks...that seems like 3 deep breaths or something. CRAZY!!! :)


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