Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm Picturing All Of You In Your Underwear

I have been a very, very bad blogger re. awards. I've actually been given a few (not like Norah Jones that one year at the Grammy's but you know what I mean) but I always forget to follow up. Jackie gave me an award yesterday (THANKS!) and I am going to do it NOW before I forget.

So here we go. The rules: share five things you are obsessed with, and then pass the award on to five of the most fabulous blogs you read!

By the way, just so I don't have to say this after every picture, none of these pictures are me. So before you get all jealous because my legs look like model legs, don't you worry. Not mine.

1. Nail polish. I have no idea why, but for the past 6 months I have consistently painted my nails (my toes are always painted but I typically left the hands alone). It's to the point I can't walk by Sephora without going in and buying one of their OPI colors. My most recent purchase is Caffeine Fix:

Last time my parents saw us my dad told me wearing a color so close to black would actually make me less intelligent. Jury is still out on that one.

2. Leggings/tights. Ok yes, I know I'm a few years behind on this trend but I have been TERRIFIED of them and only recently welcomed them into my life. Backstory: In 7th grade we could wear white leggings (sick, right?) with our pep club uniform in the winter. I looked high and low, far and wide (which took about 4 minutes in Fort Smith) and every single pair of leggings were baggy on me. Thank GOD my mom knew better and would say, "Let's keep looking" instead of buying them. I never found leggings that fit. 15 years went by and my fear was still very much alive. But 8 inches taller and 45 pounds later, they fit! Right now my favorites are opaque grey tights (with black open-toed shoes) and black, ankle-length leggings:

(I can't tell if the black leggings above have lace on the bottom or not. Mine, most assuredly, do NOT...)

3. Thermometer. After all of this swine flu mumbo jumbo, I broke down and bought a digital thermometer (welcome to the 19th century, Meredith). And MAN this thing is cool! I take my temp at least 2 times a day now. And after looking at the little mouth diagram, I realized I have put the thermometer in the wrong spot my entire life. You aren't supposed to put it directly under your tongue, it's supposed to go under and to the very back by your molars. Did you know this? I always just stuck it right under my tongue. Is it weird I'm talking about this? A little weird.

4. Rafe (designer). He makes faaaaantastic handbags. I was not familiar with him before I started working at Nordstrom but I try on at least one of his bags every time I work. I think it confuses the customers but that's alright. He's expensive so the affair between the two of us is pretty innocent. He does create some bags especially for Target but I don't love those as much (of course I don't, ugh).

5. Castle. Have you seen this show? Several people told us it was worth watching so we rented season 1 and flew through it. It is so good! It's like any crime show but Richard Castle (the male lead) has a ridiculously funny sense of humor and the chemistry between him and Kate Beckett is amazing. The first season only had 10 episodes and the second season started last month so you have time to catch up. And really you could jump in now and not really miss much. DO IT.

So now it's time to tag 5 of you out there. I'm going with...

Aubrey from "The Petty Four"
Brandi from "Chasing Chaselyn"
Charlotte from "The Charlotte Observer"
Kaitlin from "Our Modern-Day Money Pit"
Tyler from "Rants. Raves. Ridiculous."

And I'm adding a rule to the five I tagged. If you do post your five things you have to tag five people (none of this "If you're reading this consider yourself tagged!" crap. Done and done.) :)


Page said...

HAHAHAHA I had totally forgot about the white leggings with the pep club uniform! How awful. I think I wore Keds with that too. Oh wow.

S said...

I am still fighting the legging craze, although I am warming up to tights. BAHAHAH - we had to find leggings for cheerleading uniforms one year. The next year I demanded that we get warmups and I refused to wear leggings ever again.

ty said...

pep club. gahhhhh.

Jax said...

I have so jumped on the tights/leggings bandwagon...late as well, but still in the crowd. :) And I feel uber trendy wearing them.. like I did something really NYC..haha... They're so warm! and I dont have to worry about blinding people with my nontan legs. :) I never knew that about the thermometer! Sheesh.

Oh and.. wait.. you dont want us to crash your baby shower? I dont get it. ;) haha... We'll work out the details-no worries! Also, random but we're headed down there next weekend last minuteish. We got hooked up with some tix to the Cowboys game. I've never been to an NFL game so, we just randomly decided to come! We've worked out ZERO of the travel deets, but when we know something (aka if we're coming Saturday afternoon and I don't take 4 hours at the outlet mall), we could always figure something out if next weekend is easier for ya'll!

Whatevs. And this could have been done in an email. I'm just lazy.

emotional diva said... i have 1 purse from rafe and adore it. but seriously not a day to day purse. more like a "wow people look: my shit don't stink!" purse. rofl!

leggings and tights. wow. i should try.

have a great weekend!

Kaitlin said...
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Kaitlin said...

haha, Thanks for the tag, but I'm afraid I don't even have an additional 5 bloggers to tag that haven't already been tagged themselves! (can I say tag one more time??) :)


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