I keep wanting to say, "I can't believe it's over!" when I guess I should be saying, "It's only just begun..." (cue music.)
Last night was incredible. The turnout. The results. The concession. The acceptance. It was clear who I supported, but I felt John McCain's speech was fantastic and I am so appreciative to him for reminding all of us what being an American is all about. And as my good friend, Obama, says, "There's not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America." I hope as the days and weeks continue, we will keep in mind the simple statement, "Together we stand, divided we fall." There have already been so many discouraging comments about Obama's victory last night. Some have said he is the anti-Christ, some want to move to Canada, some are ready to purchase bumper stickers stating, "It's not my fault," but the worst, which absolutely broke my heart: "...now my hard earned money will go to someone who doesn't deserve it...you clueless ignorant Obama supporters."
I realize, and am so grateful, many of those who voted for McCain refrained from saying such things. Some have offered nothing but support. I understand disappointment, frustration, and fear. I'm fearful too. I wish I could say I'm 135% confident Obama will succeed but I can't say that (and neither can anyone else). We are in some tough times and his job will not be an easy one. Can you imagine your first day of work being told you have a national crisis to fix, a war to end, and oh by the way, 45% of your constituents did NOT think you were the best man for the job? I think I'll stick to my cozy job as communications director at a church, thanks.
I will admit that I failed the past two years. I never gave up on our country, but I did give up on our president. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth. That being said, I don't think it's right to give up on Obama before he's even begun.
I live in a very, very red state. I'm pretty sure Oklahoma turned red before the polls closed. But I voted. My husband voted (he still won't tell me if he went red or blue). We both received the free Krispy Kreme donuts and then proceeded to order an extra dozen (gah I HATE when marketing works)! And I am so proud, SO PROUD, that we were a part of it all.
The next four years will be exciting. I hope for everyone's sake we can unite together in prayer and support for our amazing country. I mean seriously, when's the last time Canada gave you a free donut, coffee, and ice cream just for voting? :)