Thursday, June 28, 2018

Holland | 14.5 Months

Holland Claire...

...Has finally taken a few steps!  She is so cautious that four steps is her limit before she sits down and continues crawling.  Regardless, it's something so we'll take it!  Her favorite mode of transportation is speed crawling or cruising around the house.

...Is the neatest Haynes child.  She will get every last toy out of the basket but always puts everything back before she moves onto the next thing.  The same is true for an individual toy with small parts.  If only she could teach Jude & Sloane to do the same...

...Gives the sweetest hugs!  She puts her arms around your neck and squeezes - it is the greatest feeling in the world!

...Weighs 1,000 lbs.  I honestly don't know how much she weighs but she is a tank.  I carry her all of the time and my arms are so sore by the end of the day.

...Still naps at 10a and 2p.  Summer has been quite busy so there's been a few days when she only gets one nap.  She handles it well but I can tell she still needs both.

...Loves mimicking her brother and sister.  She dips her fries in ketchup, her bread in olive oil, and wants a taste of everything they're eating. She claps when they do something exciting, laughs when they laugh, blows her nose when she grabs a tissue, and waves bye if she sees/hears them saying goodbye to someone.  She also loves to give high fives.

...Is the opposite of a picky eater! Holland is willing to try and eat almost everything.  PRAISE THE LORD.  I generally would not consider her a laidback baby but she sure is easy to please when it comes to food!

...Is so emotional.  She's very black/white - there isn't a lot of grey area.  She is the happiest baby and then she is NOT having it and will let everyone know all about it.  As long as she's the only one in the room she is just fine entertaining herself and can do so for quite a while.  However, if anyone else is in the room she demands their complete attention.

...Says a few words regularly: Dada, Bye, Papa, Gaga, Hi, Ball, and (most recently) Mama.  But she mostly calls me Baba (again, I'll take it).  We're pretty sure she says "thank you" as well but it's harder to understand.  She has a southern French accent... and I don't mean Provence, France.  I mean a Texan who moved to France.  It's hilarious!

...Has 12 teeth.  Her molars are completely in and it looks like the incisors are about to pop through any day.

...Shares a fun tradition with me that I look forward to every night.  After she nurses I put her in her crib and then kneel down right next to it.  Then we "talk," hug, make silly faces, and sing for another 5-10 minutes before I leave the room.  It's usually when Michael is reading to the big kids so the house is quiet and it is the sweetest time with my baby.

...Still cries like a baby if you tell her "no."  It all happens in slow motion.  You say the word and she looks at you with the saddest eyes, her lower lip trembles, eyes squint, and the crying begins.

...Loves our rocking chair.  Her favorite thing to do right now is climb on things and the rocker provides additional entertainment once she's climbed to the "top."

...Recognizes eyes, nose, mouth, and feet.

...Doesn't want to sit still for a book but will tear one apart in less than 60 seconds if you leave it out.

...Loves the water!  Jude & Sloane have been in swim lessons and Holland is only happy if she's in the water with them!  Lots of dunking her head in the water and popping up with a big grin on her face!

...Has dark blue eyes and light brown curly hair!  The curls are coming in quickly now (in the back) and the color seems to be staying.  She's wearing mostly 18-24 clothes and size 4 diapers - probably time to move to size 5.

...Is such a people person.  She will be in a terrible mood but if a stranger at Target smiles at her she turns on the charm.  At the same time, she also gives some of the judgiest looks so watch out!

...Observes everything.  While she may be timid to do most things (ahem, walk), she doesn't take her eyes off of what is going on around her.  She's a sponge!

...Still nurses a few times a day.  That was not my intention but here we are.  We will definitely reach the goal of still nursing on the flight to/from Florida.

...Is looking more and more like her daddy.  Neither of us really see it but everyone else does!


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Harold Fisher said...

This blog post paints a lovely picture of Holland Claire.


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