Thank you for...
Your wisdom, grace, and fabulous sense of humor
Never giving up on me, especially when I gave up on myself
Answering the phone at 2a (multiple times) in college
Never buying me a crimping iron or letting me get Glamour Shots (you really DID know best!)
Teaching me to say yes ma'am and yes sir
Finding the silver lining amidst the thunder clouds
Marrying dad. I still think you're the cutest couple ever.
Playing with my hair for 28 (oh fine. 29) years
Never once saying "I told you so"
Introducing me to New York City and New Orleans
Teaching me all about geometric proofs and fabulous shoes
Holding my hand and saying "they're just jealous," when we both knew they weren't
Asking me to sit in your lap, even though I'm bigger
An awesome sibling, who loves you just as much as I do
Teaching me that just because you're right, doesn't always mean you've won (still a work in progress)
Splitting a coke with me on all of our mall trips
Your sense of direction (and I'm NOT referring to maps--yikes)
Showing me that it is entirely possible to be a mother who works--and be damn good at both
Telling me that it's not polite to cuss... in public
Loving Michael as your own and constantly telling me how happy you are that we're together
I could not ask for a better mom. And in this case, I'm not only right but I've also won.