Thursday, May 27, 2010


Guess who arrives in Dallas tonight?!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

This is going to be a very, very long day.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Merd-day!

A lot has happened this past week. Nothing life-altering but it's been a busy few days. For one, yours truly celebrated her 28th birthday. As I mentioned before, I've been dreading this one but it turned out to be surprisingly nice. The day before, Michael found out he might be flying to Argentina for work. As in, found out that morning and would be on a plane that evening. We were both pretty bummed and then very ecstatic a few hours later when he found out his assistance was no longer necessary and the ridiculously long round-trip adventure was canceled.

On my actual bday, I received more phone calls, facebook messages, and cards than I ever deserved. It was like everyone knew I needed the extra love. I've always been a huge fan of bdays and it was EMBARRASSING how giddy I got every single time I received a facebook notification. It's the little things I guess. My favorite part of the day was coming home that evening and reading my card from Michael. When he found out he'd most likely be in Argentina on my bday, he put his card in the mail so I'd have a surprise when I got home after work. It made me so happy that I could give him a huge hug after reading such a sweet message. Oh how I adore my husband. Michael's parents dropped by that night and brought gifts and dessert. They are the best!

We ended the bday festivities last night (yes, my birthday has turned into my birthweek, and is slowly becoming my birthmonth) at the Melting Pot, where we ate our weight in cheese, meat, and chocolate. It would have been glorious if we weren't feeling so gross today. I guess there is such thing as food that's too rich.

In other news, we've had a chance to meet up with several friends. Last weekend we went to the Rangers game with Craig and Jessie. Our seats were extreeeemely high but right behind home plate! It was great catching up with them and the game was really exciting. By the end of it we were all on our feet and I was a yelling machine.

Yesterday I went to a baby shower (hosted by Karen!) for one of my new favorite people, Laura. She and I work together and her job is actually the one I accepted a few weeks ago (she has decided to stay home with her baby). So as hard as it is to know we won't be working together much longer, it's fun to train with her every day!

And today I met up with Kathryn, a friend from Fort Smith! We actually grew up together and she now lives in Fort Worth. It was fun to catch up and it got me excited for the reunion (which is good because lately the word "reunion" has stirred up feelings of angst and frustration).

There you have it! My best friend Emily is getting married this weekend and then Justin, Michelle, Evan, and the parents are coming in town the following weekend. I could not be more excited!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Evan, Michael and I only have one thing to say....

Happy Mother's Day!!
We love you!

And one more for good measure...

(Evan--PLEASE stop growing!!!)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Days of Satur and Sun

Michael and I (read: I) have the tendency to put off everything until the weekend. Wash clothes? Weekend. Run by the dry cleaners? Weekend. It's dumb because once the weekend rolls around, I don't want to do anything except relax. Last Saturday, our list looked something like this:

Honda Dealership
Crate & Barrel
Unique Tailors
Wash clothes
Empty dishwasher
Billy Bob's

I'm assuming a few of the above items stuck out more than the rest. Let's talk about Michael's car for a second. 99 Explorer Sport. My guess is when he first drove it he was pretty awesome. Fast forward 11 (!!) years and the car is a death trap for all passengers and nearby drivers. He has to air up the tires at least once a week, the windshield wipers don't work, random lights flash for no reason at all, and the list goes on and on. Michael still has an Oklahoma license plate because he knows his car won't pass inspections in Texas. We've been researching cars for awhile and had already test-driven two (Highlander, Traverse) but neither were the perfect fit. Recently a friend from my work (Hi Trish!) bought a Honda Crosstour and had really great things to say about it so we decided to give it a try.

In the five years we've been together, I can count approx three times I've seen Michael happier than when he drove that car on Saturday. At first I was excited for him but then I felt absolutely terrible because I finally realized how badly he'd wanted a new car and how little he'd complained. We'd planned on taking some information and leaving but the sales guy pulled that sales guy number where he says, "What do I have to do to make you take this home with you today?" We gave him four requirements and he met every single one of them. So approx five hours after we first arrived, we drove home in a beeeeautiful Crosstour.

(Yes, we now own two dark grey cars.)
(No, it was not my idea.)
(Yes, I was secretly thrilled when he decided dark grey was "the one.")
(Yes, I am still having a conversation with myself that has turned supremely awkward.)

With that in mind, we had to skip the eight other things we were supposed to do and instead got ready for Billy Bob's. This place? Insane. It's like one giant country madhouse. Anyone that knows me knows that country and I do not mix. At all. But! Michael's cousin's husband is in the band that tours with a guy named Clay Walker. Apparently Clay is/was well known as the place was packed! I didn't recognize one song. Instead, I spent the entire evening people-watching. 178 sparkly belts, inappropriately short skirts, and bleached hairdo's later, I was still enthralled. WHERE do these people come from and WHY can't I see this stuff every single day? Would make life so much sweeter.

Sunday was a little more laidback. We went to Karen and Myers' church to see Owen get baptized and then over to her parents house to celebrate. After we left their house we laid out at our neighborhood pool, which FINALLY opened! It was being built last summer (I'm fairly certain Michael, myself, and Thumbs could have built it in less time) so it was nice to enjoy it from the other side of the gates! Michael recited his annual, "I don't need sunscreen" schpeel and is still paying for it three days later. He's my lobster.

So anyway, great weekend indeed! I started my new job (same company) this week, which just so happens to be the same time that busy season begins in our department. Needless to say, I'm tired and will be going to bed as soon as I'm done with this. I still require my 14 hours of sleep each night so that means I need to start going to bed at approx 4:30pm. Yeesh.


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